Debco - Citrus & Fruit Premium Potting Mix Ben

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Debco Citrus Mix contains quality key additives to deliver optimal growth for a broad range of fruit-bearing trees including citrus, stone, olive and vine trees. Specifically formulated to promote healthy plant growth and improved fruit development.


  • Controlled Release Fertiliser - Distributes nutrients as plants need it, up to 6 months
  • Wetting Agent - Ensures nutrients get to the root zone
  • Trace Elements - Micro-nutrients vital to plant growth
  • Calcium - Supports nutrient uptake and stronger plant cells
  • Iron & Magnesium - Prevents yellowing of leaves 
  • Materials used in the production of Debco potting mixes are sourced from renewable and sustainable resources where possible


  • The formulation is perfect for growing the broadest range of fruit-bearing trees including citrus, stone, olive and vine trees


Debco Citrus & Fruit Potting Mix is ready to use straight from the bag with no further additives required.

1 Citrus require full sun.
2 Fill a large clean pot with the planting mix allowing room to add the new plant.
3 Ensure the pot has sufficient drainage.
4 Turn the plant out of its container and remove any rotten or entirely dried out roots.
5 Position the plant and fill the pot to approximately 4cm below the rim of the pot with mix.
6 Soak with water and protect the plant from the wind.

1 Dig a hole 2-3 times the size of the pot and blend mix 50/50 with your garden soil when planting potted or bagged fruit trees.

• Debco Citrus & Fruit Mix contains a quality 6 month balanced fertiliser but additional fertiliser may be required. Citrus trees require feeding once per season with a suitable controlled release fertiliser.
• Citrus prefer deep watering. Water more often during hot or windy weather when your tree is in flower or forming small fruit.
• Plants should be re-potted with new potting mix when they outgrow the pot or after 12-18 months.

We recommend you always wear gloves when
gardening. Wear a particulate mask if dusty.


This product contains micro-organisms

Avoid breathing dust or mists

Wear a particulate mask it dusty

We recommend you always wear gloves when gardening and keep the product moist when handling

Wash hands immediately after use

Read the detailed warning label on the bag


A range of macro & micro-elements are required for sustained plant growth in mixes

Through the correct balance of air and water, specifically selected controlled-release fertiliser and other essential plant nutrients your plants will flourish in this potting mix